Honouring Mother Earth

Aboriginal Awareness Week Opening Ceremonies

Thanks to everyone who came out to the kick-off of Aboriginal Awareness Week in Calgary held at Olympic Plaza on June 17th, 2024. For those who could not make it, check out video coverage here. Includes Grand Entry, speakers and more! Performances by Dwight Good Eagle Farahat, Sings Many Songs Women, Joey Pringle and The Blackfoot Confederacy Drum Group.

Past Testimonials

“My favorite part was seeing everybody from every walk of life come together and share in something unique, and that’s another people’s culture, the gifts and talents and sharing the company of their spirit & just having a good time”

“I walked away with so much pride in my heart, I felt love from the Elders, the teachings, and the singing, and they are all local, we have so much to celebrate!!!”

“When you try to hold up the sky yourself you get tired, but when you come together it is a lot easier. When we stand together & work with each other…there is nothing we can’t accomplish. It’s through events like this that I look forward to seeing what this generation and future generations have learned from our elders and the work that is going to be done in the future.”

“It’s an amazing event, being a part of an organization to get to share this special day, the whole week, starting off with the opening ceremonies, a wonderful thing to be a part of in the community.”

“I am so full when I didn’t know I was empty. What a great presentation! Thank you”

2024 Aboriginal Awareness Week

About The Honouring Mother Earth Committee

The Honouring Mother Earth Committee is a grassroots table of volunteers who come together each year to plan and host the official Opening Ceremonies for Aboriginal Awareness Week Calgary. This kicks off the celebrations in honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day each year.

Made up of non-profit, Indigenous and non-indigenous people along with our corporate partners each year we hope to honour, celebrate and educate all Calgarians on the contributions and successes of the Calgary Indigenous community.