Call For Community Welcome Video Submissions


*Visit our Vimeo page for examples of past video submissions.
*2023 Deadline: June 9th

Every year in June we kick off Aboriginal Awareness Week in Calgary.

We are inviting Indigenous agencies/programs/services/supports to submit a video of welcome that can be included in this year’s production. All submissions will be merged into a larger welcome message that will be played throughout the production.

An example of a welcome message:
“We at (insert agency name or program)_ wish you a fantastic Aboriginal Awareness Week. We celebrate and honor the rich and diverse Indigenous cultures that are in Calgary and area”

Your video must be no longer than 30 seconds without any offensive language, gestures or images.


All submissions should:

  • Be original for this contest and if possible support our theme.
  • Not infringe on any third-party rights (logos, music, intellectual property, etc.).
  • Be submitted by email to or
  • Preferred – uploaded to Dropbox (Free accounts for under 2 GB). Or at the very least a high resolution version posted to a personal or company YouTube or Vimeo Channel as a downloadable video. Please provide the video link with your submission. Ensure what you have provided us is a high resolution output of your video. Small videos may be attached as a file to the email where possible as long as it does not cause the video to be overly compressed.
  • If we have a problem with the resolution or quality of the video we may contact you for a crisper version.
  • Preferred file formats are .mov and .mp4
  • If submitting another way email us at
    or to discuss


  • You don’t need to hire a professional. A homemade quality video can work great. But plan ahead and shoot a few takes if needed to get it right.
  • Higher resolution equals higher quality. Record in 16:9 widescreen format if possible. If you can record your video in high definition, do it. Also, aim for good audio sound quality. Use a microphone wherever possible. Capture the best you can with the equipment you have.
  • Use sufficient lighting. People need to see you and what you are doing/talking about. The more light, the better. Also, having more than one light source will help alleviate any kind of shadows. Practice by recording sample videos.

Helpful Links: